The next #RheumJC session will be Thursday, November 15th at 10pm Eastern Time / 9pm Central Time (click here to find this in your local time zone).
We’ll be discussing four of our favorite abstracts from the ACR 2018 Annual Meeting, chosen by a combination of the #RheumJC team and your responses to our poll.
To cast your vote in our poll, click on this link (poll ends Wed Nov 14): https://twitter.com/RheumJC/status/1061722574533595137
If you’re new to #RheumJC, take a look at our Intro to Twitter page or our Journal Club Getting Started Guide.
As always:
- Please remember to try to stay on topic whenever possible.
- Be polite and courteous.
- Do not violate HIPAA.
We welcome suggestions for future articles for discussion. Please send your suggestions by Direct Message on Twitter to @RheumJC or email us at rheumjc@rheumjc.com.