#RheumJC Team
Chris Collins (@RheumPearls) is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University Medical School and the Rheumatology Fellowship Program Director for the MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC. His interests include meded research and exploring the possibilities in medical education and social media. His is married with 2 girls and has a really really old cat named Mango.
Disclosures: Speakers bureau for Exagen and Abbvie, Editorial board for RheumatologyNetwork.com.
Paul Sufka (@psufka) is a staff rheumatologist with HealthPartners Medical Group and Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN and an assistant program director for the University of Minnesota Department of Internal Medicine. He is interested in technology and social media in medicine, fitness, and knows at least seven different ways to brew coffee.
Disclosures: Co-founder of The Rheumatology Podcast.
Suleman Bhana (@DrBhana) is a rheumatologist currently working for a large multispecialty group in the Hudson Valley area of New York. He is a technology and gadget enthusiast, and passionate about the role of technology in improving healthcare. He enjoys his time with his wife and kids, in between practicing what he reads in “Family Handyman” magazine, playing his Gretsch guitar, and painting artwork.
Disclosures: Co-founder of The Rheumatology Podcast.
Aruni Jayatilleke (@rheumed) is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine and Associate Program Director for the rheumatology fellowship program. She is interested in gaming and virtual learning environments in #meded and would love to work with anyone who knows Unity3D. She spends most of the rest of her time around and about Philly with her husband and 2 associated small humans.
Disclosures: None.
Jonathan Hausmann (@hausmannMD) is a pediatric and adult rheumatology fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He has an interest in autoinflammatory diseases and seen children and adults in specialty clinics; he also teaches patients and physicians about these rare illnesses in his blog. He participates in a Medical Education fellowship and is exploring the use of technology to improve learning. His interests include cycling, reading, and traveling with his wife to visit exotic vineyards.
Disclosures: None
Isabelle Amigues (@isa75012) is a native of France where she received her training as a medical doctor specializing in rheumatology. She pursued her training in New York City where she is completing a third year of rheumatology fellowship at the Columbia University. She has published a number of articles and made a number of presentations in the field of rheumatology and is very involved with professional organizations in her field, including serving as a member of the Fellow Subcommittee and on the ethics committee for the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). She is also interested in new ways to improve the education of patients and physicians; that is how she discovered #rheumJC. She has been involved with the #rheumJC team since 2015 and helps by reaching out to authors to encourage their participation. When she is not behind her screen or with patients, she enjoys spending time with her twins and has changed many diapers times two in the past year.
Disclosures: none